Senior Plus Program

A long term „Senior +” program is directed towards the local goverment units. Its purpose is to increase active participation in the social life of older people. Within the program’s goals is construction and expansion of network of Daily houses and “Senior+” clubs.
Facilities such as these are places, where elder people not only can spend their time using cultural offers or sport activities, but also have meals or help in day to day activities. “Senior+” clubs operate on a simplified formula, so that the smaller communes could also benefit from the program.
In 2019, the goverment allocated 80 mln PLN on the implementation of the program. The same amount was included in the draft budget for 2020. In 2019, there will be around 300 new facilities. At the end of last year, there was in total 497 Daily houses and “Senior+” Clubs, which offered over 12,8 thousand spots for seniors.